Game maker studio 2 sprite play sometimes and sometimes not animating

broken image

Under objects, double click 'obj_edit_image'. - In the resource tree, find the node labeled objects.Set the number of frames per row to 4, and the height to 48. Follow the steps above for importing a strip image, using the file 'Import_Strip_Image.png' from the resources pack. Name the sprite 'spr_import_strip_image'. - Create a third sprite by pressing 'ALT + S' while in the workspace.In the resources file, find the image called 'Import.png'. - From the sprite properties panel, select 'Import'.- Create another new sprite by right clicking in the workspace and selecting 'Create Sprite'.When you're done, return to your workspace using the tabs at the top of the screen. Using the toolbox in the sprite editor, draw something in the sprite. - From the sprite properties panel, select 'Edit Image'.

broken image

broken image